Check the Bangladesh Passport Online Application Status at or How to Track BD Passport Online Application Status check at…..
Bangladesh Passport or BD Passport is a valid document issued to the resident of Bangladesh for international travel. The passport is approved by the state government of the people republic of Bangladesh or by the overseas missions. The passport is given to the people who are citizens by birth or by descent.
A bigger body by the name international civil aviation organization overlooked the transition from the handwritten to the machine readable passport. Amazingly the process was over before the set deadline of November 2015. In the year 2016 the government gave a statement of introducing bio-metric passport to all the citizens. It was met to ease all the immigration to all other state worldwide. Here we will see the Bangladesh Passport Application Status and BD Passport Online Application Procedure are as follows….

How to check Bangladesh Passport Application Status or Track BD Passport Application Status at
You can also check the Bangladesh Passport Application Status online by following below mentioned process:
- Anybody want to track the Bangladesh Passport Application Status everyone must open the following URL: to check the BD Passport Application Status.
- When you go the link below screen will open. You can see the screen shot of the same below:
- At the end of the passport procedure at the passport office, you will receive a delivery slip which has enrollment number on it. The same enrollment number can be used to track the status of the application form.
- On the screen opened, you need to enter the enrollment ID mentioned on the delivery slip, Date of birth entered during the passport application submission.
- Also enter the captcha which is mentioned displayed on the screen and then click on search button.
After clicking on the search button, you will get to see the details of your application status.
E.g. in this case the application is pending for police approval.
Types of passport
There different types of passport in Bangladesh. You can differentiated them according to the color on their cover. Here we will discuss the three different passports.
- Ordinary International Passport: The passport has a green cover and is used to the common citizens for ordinary international travel like going for holiday and studies. It can be access by any citizen at affordable rate.
- Official passport: The passport has a blue cover this an important passport which is only issued to people representing the Bangladesh government of official occasion. They might have been sent to other countries for official government appointments.
- Diplomatic passport: This is not an ordinary passport but only given to high ranking state official and diplomats. Diplomatic couriers have the privilege to use this passport. The passport is red in color.
How to apply for BD passport Online Application at
After the above details and knowledge about the different types of passport. Now you can fill or apply for a passport in a very simple way. You have to follow certain procedures as follows:
- You have to pay the passport fee.
- Fill the legal form.
- Attachments.
- Submission of the form.
1. Passport fee: every passport type has a price attached to it, you have to inquire about the price before any other move. The prices are as follows: Emergency passport: 6,900 BDT and Regular passport: 3450 BDT.
2. Filling the legal form: there two ways to fill the application form offline and online.
Bangladesh Passport Online application Form
- Visit the BD Passport website:
- A page will open with guidelines you have to check or uncheck then proceed to enrollment.
- Read all terms and conditions then click on the continue button.
- Fill all your personal and other information where necessary. The form has different stages to fill. If there challenges open the help website from the official website. Official MRP related instruction –online application guide.
- The form will be in form of PDF download then follow the details on the form.
- When you are done with the filling you will receive application ID, password via your email. Save the details for future references and also for your status check.
Submitting: You need to visit the passport office with the filled document and all the attachments. Ensure you fill all the correct details before submitting the form. False information will lead to serious implications.
Offline form application:
- Go to the BD Passport website and download the offline form. For new holders you can go to the passport website then download form.
- The form should be a DIP form 1 primarily application for MRP and download.
- For individuals applying for correction and reissuing they take the second option DIP 2.
- Take a print copy of the download fill by hand. If you get stuck or are confused you will go to the official website and read the instructions on how to fill the document.
- Fill in all the right personal details recheck and submit to embassy offices.
Remember, you must have a fast internet connection if you are to use these services without facing any problem. Failure to this, you will have to make do with a slow internet speed that may make it hard to apply for a Bangladesh passport online. For more information about on Bangladesh Passport Application Status or BD Passport Application Status follow the BD passport main website:
I will be glade Please inform me present status of my passport.