Complete info on How to Apply for Mukhyamantri Krishak Udhyami Yojana Loan (मुख्यमंत्री कृषक उद्यमी योजना) and Krishak Udhyami Yojana Interest Rates at…..
Recently the MP state under the chief minister they have introduced an entrepreneur scheme. The scheme covers all the farmers in the MP state. The new scheme is known as Krishak Udhyami Yojana. With this new project the government will fund farmer’s children. The farmers have a guarantee of getting crores of money and getting with a rate of 15% grant.
The new project was established on 13th August 2017 by Mr.Shivraj Singh who is the state chief minister. The government has corresponded with different banks round the state thus helping in loan distribution. The state has different centers in the state where the farmers can register or get the loans.
The Madhya Pradesh state is mostly focused on horticulture and farming thus having good basis of introducing the scheme.

Importance of Madhya Pradesh Krishak Udhyami yojana
- The Krishak Udhyami Yojana Scheme will reduce financial burdens on the farmers and their children. They can take a loan and start something new or add on the stock.
- The plans will open many channels for the unemployed youngsters.
- The farmers will produce more harvest since they have financial support.
- Most families will be stable since they will not only depend on what they plant but the loans will bring more income if they invest.
- They is less need to relocate from rural to urban looking for employment.
- The youth will be self-employed.
Who are eligible for the scheme?
- The applicant has to be a Madhya Pradesh [MP] citizen by birth and resides in the state.
- The applicant has to be the daughter or son of the farmer so as to benefit from the Krishak Udhyami Yojana scheme.
- They should be 18 years above before applying for the loan.
- Land under any dispute will not be considered in the loan processing.
- The government will provide the loan to eldest child of each family.
- The farmer needs to have good records of payment on previous occasions.
Loan criteria and Krishak Udhyami Yojana interest rates
- The government has made it clear it will give loans from the rate of Rs.10/- to Rs.2 crore.
- The loans are to be received by the daughters or sons of the farmers at a small interest.
- The bank and the government will collaborate to give out the loans at certain percent interest.
- The government will start calculating the interest of the given loan from the day of receiving.
- The loan is payable up to 5 years from the day of picking.
- The loans will offered with 5% to 15% for both the daughters and sons for the already set interest.
- All who need the loans will be given within three months by the government.
- The government with the banks will work together to ease the process of disbursing.
- The government will make places where the farmers can take their produce and also sell the products.
- The government has more than 1000 stations to help in giving the loans.
- The government will supervise the prices of the products. Farmers can now sell the crops at high price.
- To cater for the farmers the government will pay for losses made from late purchase of products. The farmer has to give a genuine reason to be compensated.
How to register for the Krishak Udhyami Yojana Loan
Amazingly the government has not yet set a particular system of registration. The registration process may be set in coming years.
The main aim of Krishak Udhyami Yojana scheme in MP state
- To make many points / centers for the farmers to bring their produce.
- To provide employment for all the youth and families.
- The new scheme will reduce the financial constrain.
- The government wants to increase income for the farmers and ensure.
- Help farmers to grow notorious foods which will benefit the families and the state at large.
- This project will encourage the children of the farmers to work and gain skills.
- The government wants to educate the farmers about the new technologies on farming.
- The government wants to empower rural citizens and encourage them start new projects.
- They have to learn how to manage the funds granted to them and refund in the given time.
Though the government has introduced all the project to suit the people of MP. They are strict on farmers who will not make any payments. The farmers and the children with loans have to be prompt in paying the loan as agreed. There are several scheme set by the government to monitor the payments of all the farmers and those not keeping the promise.
This funds help the government disburse to new applicants as the old members pay and gain more interest. The scheme is also a plus for the country’s economy and the citizens living there. Farmers are benefiting fully as the government caters for losses and any damages on the crops. It is clear indication that the government wants the country to develop economically. Agriculture being the back bone of the state and most people from both rural and urban areas depending on the natural produced foods.
The business sector has taken a new troll since the cleaning, packaging and preserving the produce has been made easy. The business have grown and mushroomed everywhere creating employment to many youngsters. They will gain skills and which will help in future. This is the official web portal