Ddoreq AP and Telangana DDO Request – Get AP Treasury or Telangana Treasury Employee Salary Bills / Pay Slip using DDO Code (DDO Claims) at treasury.ap.gov.in/ddoreq and treasury.telangana.gov.in/ddoreq…..
DDOREQ or DDO Request or Drawing and Disbursing Officers Employee Salary Pay Slip are the online pay bill preparation system which is built to prepare the monthly salaries for the state government employees for both the AP and Telangana states. The Director of Treasuries introduced the preparation and submission of bills to the treasury. The treasury.ap.gov.in/ddoreq/ and treasury.telangana.gov.in/ddoreq/ websites was made to make the whole procedure convenient and easy for use.
Both Telangana and the AP DDO websites function on the similar lines. Both cater to the state employees of the respective states. The treasury DDO Request is called the TS DDOReq or AP DDO Request for Telangana and Andhra Pradesh respectively. DDO employee is the portal through which all the financial transactions take place and the employees receive their monthly salary through this portal.

Telangana DDOREQ / AP Ddo Request Login using DDO Code
The DDO code is developed based on the following basis:
- The 1st four digits indicate the Mandal name to which employee belongs
- Next four digits indicate the departmental code the place where the employee works
- Finally last 3 digits indicates the DDO office in the respective Mandal
- Thus, the complete 11-digit DDO code denotes the exact official location of the employee
- Employees should have the DDO code to proceed on the website; one can easily follow the steps and prepare various kinds of bills like DA arrears, leave encashment, claims, supplementary bills etc.
How to Generate AP / Telangana Employee Salary Pay Slip / Bills at treasury.ap.gov.in and treasury.telangana.gov.in
Generating the AP Employee salary Pay Slip / bills online is a very easy procedure. To Generate the Telangana Employee salary bills for DDOreq , following procedure needs to be followed:
- To prepare the salary bills one needs to open the official website of AP DDO Request treasury. Following is the link of the website to be accessed AP Treasury and Telangana Treasury website.
- This will open the home page of the website. For accessing the DDO and bill payment information when needs to login to the website using the user ID and the password. The user ID is the 11-digit DDO code and the unique password.
- After entering the ID and password click on submit.
- Next everyone must enter the login credentials, one needs to click on the “Pay bills” option on the top left side of the page. On click a menu of options will open, click on the “Pay bill Preparation”.
- After the above selection, the user needs to select the bill id from the drop down and select the right year and month for which the person needs to file the bill claim and press ‘process’ and then hit on ‘OK’.
- After you click on ‘Ok’, a screen will open with the list of employees who are eligible for the increment. You can select the list of employees for which you want to process and exclude the one which are not required.
- After that the user cans select the number of days for which the user wants to claim the increment and the bills.
- After that the user can select the various options (EWF / FLAG Fund / IT) manually by clicking on the respective employee.
- On clicking the designation based on the cadre if the employee will be displayed.
- After that you need to confirm the designation of the employee and press on next and click on submit button.
- One should confirm the details of the employee present on the manual bill with the details present on the screen. Once you are sure that the details are matching, you can submit the bills by clicking on “DDO Bills submission”.
- After clicking on ‘DDP Bills submission’, one needs to select the head of the account from the drop down. Another screen will open after that which will display the earnings of the employee, deductions and the net earnings of the employee.
- After that click on the submit button, after submitting, you can see the TBR number of request. One needs to note down the TBR number of the request.
- After that the person needs to links the TBR number generated with the beneficiaries account number. For linking TBR number with the beneficiary account number, one needs to click on the TBR beneficiary entry made under the pay bills segment.
- Then the person needs to select the TBR number from the drop down.
- A new screen will open which will display the option for salaried employee’s information with their net salary. Then click on submit button.
- One can also get the beneficiary report by clicking on “TBR Beneficiary report” of “Pay bills” menu and enter the TBR number.
- The scree will display the detailed report; one can also take the print out of the same by click on the “Print” button.
- Download the ‘Form 47’, schedules, ‘Form 67’ by clicking on the reports section on the top left side.
- One can also get the bills scheduled by clicking on the option ‘Bills schedule’
- One can submit the claims by submitting the Form 47, Bill, TBR beneficiary report and bill schedule. One can take the print outs of all these and submit in the treasury office.
Telangana DDO Request: The Procedure to furnish the details and submit the bills is not much different in case of Telangana as compared the AP. One needs to follow the same procedure as detailed above.
The salaried employees working with Telangana Government receives the online salary through the Telangana Treasury website using the link Telangana DDO REQ or TS Ddo Request.
For preparing the DDO request in the website for the employees working in the respective government for salary payment. Similarly, one can access the salary bills using the DDO claims code.