Ojas.gujarat.gov.in – Online Job Application System Government of Gujarat Ojas Gujarat Online Application Registration, Edit Application, Print / Download OJAS Gujarat Call Letter….
The Gujarat Government has created a job website, it can be accessed by any citizen interest in job search. They have post many jobs which needs hand skills and you don’t have to be highly educated to apply. They give notices of recruitment and updates the website every day.
Gujarat state which is situated at the western part of the country, is working especially with the youth. It making combine effort for both the central and state government. The website name formed by the Gujarat state is called OJAS and the link is ojas.gujarat.gov.in. Here you get all notifications and updates of new job the requirements the starting date and how to send application to the Gujarat government.

OJAS Gujarat Online Registration at ojas.gujarat.gov.in
- Navigate to main website page: https://ojas.gujarat.gov.in/
- New page open up and on the menu you will see ‘Online registration’ and select apply.
- Read the term and condition before going to any other step.
- Now filling the following details as follows: Enter your name and surname. This is per the 10th class certificate, Father / husband name, Mother name, Gender, Date of birth, Marital status, Current address and permanent address, Valid email address, Nationality and Mobile number. Remember an OTP will be sent to your number it has to be registered. The OTP is to verify your application.
- After you fill all the detail upload your photo and scan your signature.
- Additionally you will mention whether you know other languages like Hindi Gujarat. Can you read or speak fluently which level did you get with the language?
- Now you will fill other details whether you are physically challenged, widow etc. note this section is for the special group of people women ex-soldier, disabled. They are all encouraged to apply the Gujarat government gives equal share.
- When you are done with this steps. The OJAS agreement will show on the screen just press yes to continue.
- Please don’t skip any detail, the process is not complete without the fine details.
- Recheck the details and submit.
How to edit Gujarat Registration in ojas.gujarat.gov.in
- Visit the official website: https://ojas.gujarat.gov.in/
- On the menu bar top left there is a “Registration” options.
- Take on the edit then click to continue.
- On the new page you will need to write your registration number and type either mobile number or Date of Birth.
- Forgotten your registration number? You can use the mobile number.
- You will receive an OTP on your mobile number. Use it to verify all the details.
- Fill in your date of birth.
- Select edit button. By that you are done with editing process.
How to edit Gujarat online application in ojas.gujarat.gov.in
The applicant might make few mistakes and need to correct them. The Gujarat website has set a process for applicants to change the details.
- Go to the main homepage and open the link: https://ojas.gujarat.gov.in/
- When the page opens go to menu bar top left.
- You will get online application.
- You will get an edit button click on it.
- Fill in the OJAS online application number.
- Enter your date of birth on the space provided.
- Recheck the details again then submit the form.
How to upload photo and signature in OJAS application
This an easy process, ensure you have a clear photo then follow the steps.
- Visit the main portal: https://ojas.gujarat.gov.in/
- On the menu you will get the upload photograph and signature.
- Click on the tab and anew page will show.
- Enter your application number correctly.
- Fill in your date of birth.
- Press on the OK button.
- A section for the photograph and signature will appear. Put the scanned photo and signature the photo should be about 15kb size.
- Then submit after you have recheck all the details.
How to print OJAS Gujarat online application
- Please go to the above mentioned official website
- On the menu select online application.
- Select the print application form.
- A new page will appear and show select job.
- Fill in your confirmation number and your date of birth.
- You have two choices print the application form or print post-office challan.
How to confirm your OJAS online application at ojas.gujarat.gov.in
- Open the official website link: https://ojas.gujarat.gov.in/
- On the menu bar you will see online application. Here you will get an option saying ‘confirm’.
- A new page will show with a title ‘confirm application’.
- Fill in the application number and the date of birth.
- Select ok, the confirmation process will start after this.
How to download OJAS Gujarat preliminary / secondary / main exam call letter
- Visit the official page of Gujarat portal.
- On the menu bar you will find examination call letter.
- Click on the button and a new page appears.
- Fill all your details name and the application number, date of birth.
- Recheck the details then submit.
- The downloading process of the call letters will start in a few seconds.
- Take a print for future references.
Printing the preliminary and secondary exam call letter
- Visit the official website and check the link: https://ojas.gujarat.gov.in/
- On the menu select job on the space given.
- Click ok and continue.
- Fill in your confirmation number. Or use the mobile number if you have forgotten.
- Enter your date of birth.
- Select print call letter and click on it.
- The print process will start.