Downloading Procedure on ITBP Pay Slip Online and Signup Process on Himveer Connect Login Registration at website….
The Indian police service is undeniably one of the most highly ranked worldwide. And this is for good reason since they do everything possible to guard, protect, and implement the law. No wonder they ought to be commended for a job well done as they help maintain peace within and outside the country.
And going with the high number of police officers in the service, bearing different ranks, it is easy to see why they’ve now taken things digital. Thanks to Himveer Connect people, police officers can now download their ITBP pay slip without moving a muscle. Continue reading to understand what it takes to get the most from this portal.

How to Complete Himveer Connect Login Registration at
Follow the simple guide given below to register and log into your Himveer Connect account;
- First up, visit ITBP official website-
- You’ll be redirected to the portal’s homepage where you should click on the ‘New Registration’ link
- The above action displays the registration form. Be sure to fill in all the details correctly, including Name, Employee Code Number, Registered Mobile Number, Email ID, and many more
- Recheck all the details you’ve just filled in before clicking on the ‘Submit’ button to complete the registration process
How to Download ITBP Pay slip Online at
- Visit ITBP official website using as the URL
- You then have to access your account by typing in your ‘PIS Username’ and ‘Password’ in the space set aside for this detail
- Enter the ‘Captcha Code’ as it appears in your image
- Now click on the ‘Login’ button to access your account and view the ITBP PIS profile
- You will then have to click on the ‘ITBP Pay slip’ option
- Type in the ‘Month’ and ‘Year’ for which you want to download the pay slip before clicking on the ‘View’ button
- You can now see the requested pay slip on the screen of your device. To download it, simply click on the ‘Download’ button
- Hit on ‘Print’ then proceed to take a Print Out for reference purpose.
Hopefully, the above guide will come in handy when looking forward to downloading your ITBP pay slip.