Search your Meebhoomi AP Land Records Details or AP Land Property Value, Adangal, Seed Aadhaar Number Linking with Account Number, ROR-1B, FMB etc at….
This website will serve as great help to the citizens, it entails AP land record Details, Property value, Adangal, Pahani, ROR – 1B, FMB, Complains, Checking status, Type of soils, water sources, areas and crops etc, Land owners, Survey number and Pattadar pass books and how they have been issued.
Note: The best part of this website is it has language option favoring those who can’t read English to open the page in Telugu language also.
How do I check AP Adangal (My Adangal / village Adangal) in
Before the introduction of the Meebhoomi website the records of the Adangal were kept at the village administrative office in the A-register. It contains important information like the survey number, land area, type of land and many others. Now you can access the Adangal records on the official Meebhoomi website Here you will find two option displayed on the menu: you’re Adangal and village Adangal.
There are several ways of checking “Your Adangal” by Survey number, Account number, Aadhaar number and Land owner’s name wise.

How to check AP Adangal either by using survey number or Account Number or Aadhaar number or Land owner / land holder at
How to Check AP Adangal using the survey number at
Visit the official Meebhoomi website link: On the page enter the district name, name of the zone, village name and the survey number. After fill the details enter the captcha code provided. Now select the “click option”. The details of land will appear as follows: Graduator, Fathers names, Area of the land, The value of the land, Area under cultivation and Account number.
How to Know AP Adangal using account number at
Visit the main website page: On the menu bar select account number. Fill in the other details like district name, name of zone, village name and survey number. Now enter the captcha code. Click on options and all the details will appear: graduator, name of the father, area of land value of land etc.
How to Check AP Adangal using Aadhaar number at
Visit the official web page Select Aadhaar number on the menu bar. Proceed to fill in the details: district name, name of the zone, village name and survey number. Enter the captcha code. Click options details will appear from the graduators, father’s name, and area of land, value, also irrigation taking place.
How to Check AP Adangal using name of the Land owner / land holder at
Visit the AP Meebhoomi web portal: Select graduator on the menu bar. Fill in the details as follows, district name, name of the zone, village name and survey number. Enter now the captcha provided. Select the option. The details of the Graduator, father’s name, area of land, value etc. Note the page is formed also to show if a certain land is on dispute or has issues. It will reflect with colored lines. This will guide you in making a buying decision.
How to check Meebhoomi AP land records property value at
- Please Visit this URL:
- On the menu bar select Adangal.
- On the same menu you have two options: “your Adangal” and “village Adangal.”
- If you pick “Your Adangal” option, select either Aadhaar or survey number.
- Fill in the details in this order: district name, name of the zone and village name
- Enter the captcha code on the box provided. Select submit button.
- Recheck the details you entered again.
- You will get all details on property value and other records.
How to check your 1b in AP Meebhoomi website
- Logon into this web page:
- Open the page and select 1-B on the menu.
- You will find “your 1-B” option.
- A form will appear for you to fill the mandatory details.
- Your will see the 1-B on the top of the menu bar and followed by four options on the drop down sub menu i.e Survey number, Account number, Aadhaar number and Graduators name.
- Choose one of this options.
- Now select from the list: district name, name of the zone and village name.
- Now key in the option you choose either the survey number, account number etc.
- Enter the captcha code.
- Recheck all the details then submit.
- All your 1-B data will reflect on the screen.
How to Seed Aadhaar number Linking with account number to your property at
- Please visit the official website page:
- When the page opens you will see Aadhaar link on top left and the forth option on the drop down menu.
- Select Aadhaar link:
- Select your account number, district name, zone name and village name.
- Enter the captcha code on the box provided.
How to check field measurement book (FMB)
- Visit the official website: http://meebhoomi.ap/
- On the menu select and fill the mandatory fields.
- All this details are filled on the option: land present and survey number.
- Fill the district name, mandal name and village name.
- Recheck the information given
- Then submit the information.
- Note the FMB assist the land officers in issuing the survey numbers to the new cultivation pieces of land.
How do I Register a complaint in the
- Visit the website page:
- Open the page and select complaints on the menu bar.
- Then select “register your complaint” option on the menu.
- Now enter the name complaint, the registered mobile number and the Aadhaar number.
- Choose the type of complaint, district name, and village name, name of the zone and also your E-mail address plus account number.
- Here you will find different complaint as follows: Change of Adangal, Adding or inserting survey number, Account number.
- Fill in the correct details and submit.
- You will receive the details on screen as you prefer.
How can i check the village 1-B on the Meebhoomi website?
Navigate to the official website: Go to menu bar select 1-B option then select village 1-B. A form will appear on the screen for you to fill. It will be on top of the menu and followed by list on the drop down. Key in your district name, name of the zone and village name. Key in the captcha code on the box given. Recheck the details and make corrections if any. Submit the form. All the required details on village 1-B will show on your screen.
How to check Village Adangal in website?
Please open the main web portal Open the page and on the menu select village Adangal. Fill in the given details: district name, name of the zone and village name. Now enter the captcha code on the given space. A new page will appear with the list of landlords in the village.
How to check the registered complaint status in
Visit the official website. Pick “complaint” on the menu. Select “your complaint status”. Choose your district name then enter the complaint number on the complaint box. Select submit and the complaint status will show.