Uttar Pradesh UP Ration Card New List Download at nfsa.up.gov.in (उत्तर प्रदेश नई राशन कार्ड सूची) and How to Apply for UP New Ration Card (यूपी राशन कार्ड)….
Ration card is one of the most significant card in the Indian country. Most state in the country have adopted to the ration card. With this they have introduced the card to their citizens. The card comes in handy on matters of food and fuel for the poor families. The government give food subsidy on the basic requirements.
BPL ration card is given to families who have stable income. They are the well-off families and they can afford food, grain or fuel. Initially the government issues the BPL to act as identity card. It is mandatory for all citizens to own a ration card. The card acts as identity or proof in same case. Those holding the BPL don’t get price reduction on foods. They can access the foods normal rates.

How to Check Uttar Pradesh Ration Card List or UP Ration Card New List (यूपी राशन कार्ड सूची) at https://nfsa.up.gov.in/
Here it is very simplest procedure to check the UP Ration Card List. Follow the below guidelines….
- First of all open the main web portal: https://nfsa.up.gov.in/Food/citizen/Default.aspx
- Scroll down the page. Come to last of the page. Then Click on “List of Ration Card holders for distribution of ration” or “राशन वितरण हेतु राशन कार्ड धारकों की सूची”.
- Then You can Choose District Name, Area, Body development block, Store Card Number Allocation month, Financial Year and Type of allocation.
- Click on “VIEW”. It will shows the UP Ration Card New List.
Who is eligible for the new Uttar Pradesh ration card?
- If you are not included in the UP Ration Card new list and don’t appear on any list in your state or others.
- If your family has never taken the card and don’t benefit from the government subsidies.
- Individuals who want to apply must be living in the state and have to be Indian citizens.
- All the applicants need to have an identity card before applying.
Documents required before applying for the new UP Ration Card (यूपी राशन कार्ड)
- You need passport size photographs.
- Provide the address proof like: passport, voter’s card, Aadhaar card electricity bill telephone bill bank passport.
- Give the identity proof.
- Age proof documents like birth certificate and the leaving school certificate.
- Provide your bank details: the name, branch account number passbook etc.
- Give the income details of members of your family.
- Gas connection the name of your supplier.
- The area you and family live and ward number.
- The photograph of the head of family.
How to fill the application form for the UP ration card (यूपी राशन कार्ड) at nfsa.up.gov.in
- Visit the main website page: https://nfsa.up.gov.in/Food/citizen/Default.aspx
- When the home page opens click on the right option. Select the register online application button.
- Fill in the details which are required on the form: Name of applicant, Username, Password / OTP, Security code which will be provided on the box and Submit the information
For the first times you need to follow this steps
1. The https://nfsa.up.gov.in/Food/citizen/Default.aspx page will show different options
Services: This are all the services given on the portal click here to get the fee, status and correction of the ration card.
- New user: This where the new user will apply for new ration card.
- Manual: Here the use can learn how to use the online service.
2. Choose the new user tab to continue.
3. Fill in the application form as follows:
- Key in your user ID which is 6-8 digits.
- Enter your name
- The date of birth and the sex either female or male.
- Enter users address, pin code and the district.
- Key in your registered mobile number. This number has to be registered you will receive your user name and password using the number.
- Enter your valid e-mail address.
- There will be a captcha code fill it as written.
- Now save the details by clicking on the save button.
- Re-confirm your details like the password and send.
- Start the login process again on the portal and apply for new ration card.
- A fee of Rs.10/- will apply when filling the form.
Details to fill in the application form
- The district where the individual belongs to.
- The town and village.
- Pick on the card which you wish to apply: A.A.Y/APL/BPL
- Key in the head of the family
- Enter your ration card number, voter Id and bank account number.
- Fill in the Captcha code provided.
How to Apply for Uttar Pradesh Ration Card offline method
- Visit the ration offices near your area and collect the application form.
- You can also go to the food and supply department offices and get the forms.
- Fill the forms correctly and give details like the ID proof, voter card etc.
- Take the application form back to the offices and the officers will tell you about your application.
- If in the urban areas the MC will approve the document and give the ration card
- Attach photographs of the family members who need to be included on the ration card.
- Submit the application and take an acknowledgement which will act as future evidence.
How to register a complaint about the UP ration card in nfsa.up.gov.in
- Visit the official website https://nfsa.up.gov.in/Food/citizen/Default.aspx
- When the page opens and go to the file a complaint option.
- Enter your details and the write the complaint you want to file.
- Submit the details.
- The website help desk will answer question in no time.
How to check the UP ration card status online at nfsa.up.gov.in
- Navigate to the official website: https://nfsa.up.gov.in/Food/citizen/Default.aspx
- A page will open you have to fill in the details require.
- Fill the name of district and region.
- The head of the family, ration card number and other important details.
- Now submit the details and the portal will produce the status.
- The benefits of the ration card in the Uttar Pradesh state.
- The government will have the number of individuals benefiting from the scheme.
- It is used as identity in some cases.
- The families who are financial not stable can have basics facilities every day.
The APL: Card serves individuals who can earn Rs.10000/-. The government doesn’t give subsidy to this citizens but the card acts as identity proof.
BPL: Here the applicant get the benefit from the government. The rice, grains and fuel are given at low prices. This families earn less than Rs.10000/-.
AAY: Most citizens in this category earn income every day or don’t have stable income. The aged are also classified here and get the food at low prices.