Online Procedure on Tamil Nadu Encumbrance Certificate search [TN EC] online at…..
TN EC Encumbrance certificate is a legalized official document in the Indian country. The certificate is certified by the national government and also works in most states in the country. EC certificate holds the right of transfer of property or land to new owners. The property has to be cleared off any claims by the time of transfer.
Citizens are advised to seek the Encumbrance certificate before buying any property as it helps learn of any hidden agendas. India being a develop country and comprising of different states. The states have officially opened website portals where citizens can access the land records.
What are the benefits of the Encumbrance certificate?
- The EC certificate is required when one is buying new property or making a transfer.
- Property owners who need to get a loan from their financial societies.
- Encumbrance certificate helps the owner learn about any transaction which happens any period using the records kept by the government.
Tamil Nadu TN EC (Encumbrance Certificate) online process at
Tamil Nadu state under the registration department, has issued the new process of acquiring the EC certificate. The certificate can be obtained within a week of applying. Applicants have to enter the right details in the system in order to gain the correct EC certificate.
- Visit the official Tamil Nadu official website. On the homepage an application form will show where you’re to fill the following details: Enter name
- Registered email address, The registered phone number and Plus the address.

Property address information
- Enter the street name
- Choose the village name from the list given.
- Zone and the sub-registrar office of where you’re located
- The district.
- After entering the personal details and address, proceed to give the information about the property.
- Give the old and new door number.
- Each land has a particular plot number enter the number on the given slots.
- Extents and the boundaries should also be indicated.
- In the last option enter the survey number, ward block and lastly enter the division where the land/ property is located.
Information found in the Encumbrance certificate
EC certificates contain significant information. Applicants should ensure they answer or rather enter the right details in the given slots. EC contains the following information:
- All EC certificate have the name of the property owner and the personal details.
- The application and the Encumbrance certificate will have a section for property information.
- The certificate will also carry details about the sale deeds and any other transaction done using the EC.
- The system will give the EC certificate according to what the use. Meaning if the Encumbrance certificate had a loan attached it will show information about the mortgage.
How to Search TN EC (Tamil Nadu Encumbrance Certificate) online at
How to check TN Encumbrance Certificate EC search online at
Just go through the after that you can type your document number, year of registration, choose SRO. Then click on ‘Search’. Choose the exact document number click on ‘NEXT’. It will shows Encumbrance Certificate on your screen.
How to get / download Tamil Nadu Encumbrance Certificate Application form at
It is very easy procedure to download the Tamil Nadu Encumbrance certificate online at Just visit that website. After the hit the row on ‘Click here to download the details which you have requested.’ That’s it.