WB Registration web portal gives info on West Bengal Land Property Details at http://wbregistration.gov.in – Market Value Calculator, Transacted Property Details, Market Value of Flat / Apartment etc…
This new system has come in handy for the West Bengal citizens, who can check about their property online. It has eased the long process and queues at the finance offices. It is a relief too to the state government since all records are safe and can be retrieved fast. Case of mistakes and grievances are well handled you only have to visit the official website http://wbregistration.gov.in. The process are simple and you don’t need vast knowledge of computer literacy.
How do I search for a registration made through the directorate of registration and stamp revenue website portal?
The sole purpose of this new website is to ease the citizen’s work in getting their documents. To ensure they get quality service and transparency. The system helps know the market value of any property through e- Nathikaran software on the website http://wbregistration.gov.in/. The market value of all plots is well reserved at the central server. To search for any document you only visit the site and will give all options you require.

How to search for Registration made by seller / buyer / party name wise at wbregistration.gov.in
- Visit the official web page: http://wbregistration.gov.in
- Confirm the user names and read carefully the details need.
- Key in the first name of the user.
- Fill in the last name of the applicant too.
- From the list select the year.
- Now select the district of registration (District Where Registered).
- Recheck the information and correct if there are mistakes.
- Click on the display tab.
- All the information needed will appear. But remember it will only show if you provide the correct information.
- Take a copy print for your future reference.
How to search for registration done by transacted property details at wbregistration.gov.in
- Visit the main page http://wbregistration.gov.in
- Under the “Search of Registration Made” heading you can click “Search by Transacted Property Details”.
- Here you need to select property district and property Thana on the menu.
- Now click on the local bodies: Municipality, Tehsil, Gram and Panchayat.
- Key in the year in the right box.
- Select district of registration. Maybe using the road or mouza.
- Now select display bottom at bottom of the page.
- If you have filled the correct data, the details of transacted property will show on the screen.
How to request for correction deed at wbregistration.gov.in
- Visit the website page: http://wbregistration.gov.in
- Select the 5th option on the menu.
- Look for search of registration.
- On the sub-menu you will get legacy deed-request for correction.
- You are required to fill some fields like: District, Registration office, Deed number, Deed year and Recheck the information filled.
- Now click on display if the information is correct, it will be displayed on the screen.
How do I send my grievances or inquires
- You have to visit the website page
- It will take to online public grievances addressing system.
- Fill in the required details and also file your enquiry.
- Select the submit button after you filled the correct details.
- You will get your questions address as soon as possible.
Checking the West Bengal Market value of land at wbregistration.gov.in
This service is provided by the directorate of registration and stamp revenue on the official website. They give the following services: Land valuation, E-payment, Road wise. Everybody need some Requirements like Plot number and Khatian number.
- Please Open the Main portal
- After you open the link you will get “Market Value of the Land” under the Calculators For list.
- This is the direct URL: http://wbregistration.gov.in/(S(c1okaow5zzs3p4maj3cuxwss))/MV/MV_Land.aspx?type=L
- For new users need to fill new application form it will be indicated by a star. This field is compulsory you need to select the district, Thana, Local Body, Mouza, road, Road zone, and house number, ward number finally the jurisdiction of any local body, Plot Number, Phone number or Khatian number and Nature of the land, use of the land and where land is located.
- Please recheck all the details given, before submitting.
- After this you will get all the valid information on market value.
- Take a print out for future references.
What are the effects of non- registration of document?
The state government requires all citizens to register their property. Failure to that the document or proper is considered illegal. Any transaction made for the property is not considered by government. Buyers who want to purchase either land, car or flats should ensure the seller has registered the property.
What language should the language of the document be in?
Any document you wish to register should be in the language commonly used in the district. The law allows officers or the system to reject any document with a language they don’t understand.
Which document must be register by law of the government of West Bengal?
Immovable property. Example land, buildings heredity allowances, ferries and fisheries. Lease of immovable: you should register property which you leased and specify whether long term or short term. Non-testamentary: this are property which require a receipt to show ownership.